kast downloads
new (June 7, 2003): beta 1.2 available
[change log]
after downloading and installing for your platform, run kast. With kast running, open the following url to connect to your node's user interface:
platform notes
windows 95/98/nt/2000/xp platform
kast for windows is distributed in a self-extracting archive. Running the .exe archive will create a kast folder and extract all of the kast components.
mac os x platform
kast for mac os x is distributed in a tar'ed and gzip'ed archive. Most file extraction utilities can handle .tar.gz files. You can also extract from a command terminal using these instructions.
note that kast for mac os x must be run from a command terminal. An Aqua launcher application is included called kastLauncher, but its functionality is limited in certain ways. To interact with kast in a more unix-like manner (not necessary, but sometimes useful), open a terminal, use the cd command to change into the kast directory, and then run the command ./kast
the kastLauncher application is based on the Moriarity sample code posted by Apple. kastLauncher has been refined and improved (and perfected?) by Shayne White.
gnu/linux (intel) platform
kast for gnu/linux (intel) is distributed in a tar'ed and gzip'ed archive. For help with extraction, see these instructions.
gnu/linux (ppc) platform
kast for gnu/linux (ppc) is distributed in a tar'ed and gzip'ed archive. For help with extraction, see these instructions.
freeBSD (intel) platform
kast for freeBSD (intel) is distributed in a tar'ed and gzip'ed archive. For help with extraction, see these instructions.
unix source
the kast unix source is distributed in a tar'ed and gzip'ed archive. For help with extraction, see these instructions. You should try this distribution if you are having trouble with the binary build for your platform: you may have different versions of the libraries that were used in the build. Using this source distribution, you should be able to build kast on your platform without major problems.
how to extract files from .tar.gz archives
if you want to extract files from the archive FILE.tar.gz, run the following command:
gzip -d FILE.tar.gz; tar xf FILE.tar